There's even gonna be karaoke. Warm up those pipes.
Here's where to find out all you need to know:
Heya, folks!
Once more, I'll be appearing at Comic Con in San Diego. If you're looking to say hello, have a book signed, or both--here's my schedule.
See you there!
I'm really proud of what Mateus Santolouco and I have put together with this one--and the first issue hits on March 20!
Here's an interview on all things Turtles from AIPT:
In other news, I will be at Wondercon this year--any panels or signings are TBD, but I will possibly be hanging in an accessible location (poolside at the Marriott, most likely) for anyone who wants an easy place to find me. I will keep folks up to date via my FACEBOOK and BLUESKY pages, maybe also TWITTER. Watch the skies!